Indigo Gabbro Crystal Protection Grid
This crystal grid contains four Indigo Gabbro crystal palmstones that have been shamanically activated and instructed to work together as a protective grid in your home.
Crystals are aware and intelligent allies that are delighted to work with you and provide service to you. Indigo Gabbro is a naturally “adaptogenic” stone that is self clearing, which is why these crystals are perfect for a home protection grid. The crystal “team” is on duty 24/7/365, so you don’t have to be hyper-vigilant about smudging, blessing, invoking protection, and the like. Holly Million uses a grid of this type in her own home and can speak to the incredible difference the grid has made.
These crystals are sourced from a highly reputable, caring, and professional source and are authentic, highly curated, and not treated or adulterated. Holly will provide further instructions to the team for your personal needs once you make your purchase.
This crystal grid contains four Indigo Gabbro crystal palmstones that have been shamanically activated and instructed to work together as a protective grid in your home.
Crystals are aware and intelligent allies that are delighted to work with you and provide service to you. Indigo Gabbro is a naturally “adaptogenic” stone that is self clearing, which is why these crystals are perfect for a home protection grid. The crystal “team” is on duty 24/7/365, so you don’t have to be hyper-vigilant about smudging, blessing, invoking protection, and the like. Holly Million uses a grid of this type in her own home and can speak to the incredible difference the grid has made.
These crystals are sourced from a highly reputable, caring, and professional source and are authentic, highly curated, and not treated or adulterated. Holly will provide further instructions to the team for your personal needs once you make your purchase.
This crystal grid contains four Indigo Gabbro crystal palmstones that have been shamanically activated and instructed to work together as a protective grid in your home.
Crystals are aware and intelligent allies that are delighted to work with you and provide service to you. Indigo Gabbro is a naturally “adaptogenic” stone that is self clearing, which is why these crystals are perfect for a home protection grid. The crystal “team” is on duty 24/7/365, so you don’t have to be hyper-vigilant about smudging, blessing, invoking protection, and the like. Holly Million uses a grid of this type in her own home and can speak to the incredible difference the grid has made.
These crystals are sourced from a highly reputable, caring, and professional source and are authentic, highly curated, and not treated or adulterated. Holly will provide further instructions to the team for your personal needs once you make your purchase.