My shamanic offerings include the following. Please email hollytheshamanartist@gmail.com for more details.
One-on-one shamanic healing work
I help people overcome trauma and blocks and experience greater lightness and freedom. I have worked with clients experiencing recurring nightmares, chronic pain, energetic attachments, and more. My modern shamanic process allows my clients to tap into their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects all at once. I do a free intake by phone to learn about your needs. We then schedule a 90-minute session to clear whatever needs to go! I also offer 30-minute or 60-minute sessions for those on a budget. The shamanic session is somewhat like a guided meditation. I do the heavy work, and you enter into a flow state from which healing and guidance emerge. I also work with children who are sensitives to help them feel safe and work with the whole family to teach basic practices to bless and protect. I also love working with teenagers! Please see the Testimonials page for more information. To book a session, email hollytheshamanartist@gmail.comShamanic Apprentice Program
I train emerging shamans and those who want to bring shamanic techniques into their daily lives for pleasure and empowerment through my shamanic apprentice program. For more details about the Shamanic Apprentice Program, via the SAI Page.Free, Live, Weekly Shamanic Energy Clearing
Every Wednesday from 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM Pacific AND every Saturday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM Pacific, I lead a free, live shamanic spiritual hygiene process and energy healing for all attendees. This is your chance to sample my work in a safe, accessible setting. Join a group of positive, like-minded people creating a very uplifting group energy for your spiritual support. Find me on Instagram as @holly.million. Find me on FaceBook as holly.million.5. You just have to go to my profile on either platform to find the live clearing. Set a calendar reminder to be sure you don’t miss out.Weekly Guided Shamanic Journey
Every Sunday from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM Pacific, I lead a guided shamanic journey and tell stories from my shamanic experiences on Zoom. This exciting, exhilarating, healing experience is designed to help you develop your own shamanic journeying “muscles” so you can access this powerful healing modality yourself. There is a suggested fee of $25 per session, or donate whatever you can. Pay the fee prior to the session on Venmo (@Holly-Million). Once I receive your initial fee, I will send you the Zoom information to join us.
Private Shamanic Group on Zoom
Every Monday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific, I lead an intimate, dedicated group in a private shamanic healing process via Zoom. Participation costs $35 to $50 per person, sliding scale, for each session. To join the group, email hollytheshamanartist@gmail.com and pay the weekly fee via Venmo (@Holly-Million) prior to each session. Once I receive your initial payment, I will send you the Zoom link we use each time. You can also pre-pay for multiple sessions at a time for convenience.
Home/Land Clearing Work and Transitioning Spirits
I create harmonious energy in houses, businesses, and land that need healing. I do a free intake by phone, review photos of the location (or walk through in person), and do shamanic journey work in advance of my clearing work. I often use crystal grids to assist, using unique combinations from my large, personal collection. I also help spirits occupying the space to transition with love and compassion. I have done work on properties in locations that include Northern California, Southern California, Oregon, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Texas, Pennsylvania, and many more places, including properties with serious challenges, bringing them into harmony and balance. For a consultation, email hollytheshamanartist@gmail.comClasses and Workshops
Through Shamanic Arts Institute, I offer an ever-changing kaleidoscope of fun, uplifting, interesting classes and workshops designed to demystify the shamanic arts, build your toolkit of healing practices and knowledge, and connect you with like-minded people. For more details about past and current offerings, visit the Classes page.
Herbal Products
I create herbal medicines with an emphasis on those providing mental, emotional, and spiritual support. I employ the magical plants I grow at my micro-homestead in this joyous creative, healing endeavor. See the Store page of this website for more information. I am not a doctor, and my work in this area does not qualify as medical advice.